(541) 754-3010
Fallbrook, California

Get Involved

By donating your time, materials, or money, you become an essential part of our farm community. Your involvement helps us grow, maintain, and enhance our facilities, ensuring that we can continue to serve our community and work towards our mission. Thank you for considering how you can make a meaningful impact at our farm!

Your Time/Labor

Volunteering is a great way to directly engage with our farm and its activities. Whether you have a few hours to spare or can commit to regular shifts, your help is highly valued. Here's how you can get started.
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Here are a few things we're looking for:

Materials Tools Lumber Appliances
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Financial Contributions

Financial support is another vital way to get involved. Donations can help cover operational costs, purchase essential supplies, or fund specific projects. Here's how you can contribute financially,
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Farm Animals, Are Amazin.?

Our animals are just like family even though we, eat some of them.
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